We need to hard work for prosperity because success and prosperity do not come on their own. If you want to own them, you’ve to work hard to get them. You’ve to work hard until you prove your excellence. There is fierce competition out there. I know I told a while before that it’s not about competition only, but it’s a part of the struggle for success. You want it or not, but there will be many people to give you enough competition in every stage of life. As I said earlier, there is actually no better way except working hard for prosperity.
You need to hard work for prosperity because there are also many people out there who deserve to be in your place. You’ve to work hard to earn your place and reward.
Only Hard Work Can Bring Luck:
I don’t believe in luck. I believe that the work you do only decides your destiny and luck. When you work honestly for something, it becomes true and no one can actually take it from you. It’s good to be good, but it’s even better to be excellent. It’s pretty simple. What I mean is that when you work hard, you gain expertise; you gain knowledge and become smart. Your expertise, exceptional knowledge and skills help you stand out. So when you try to hard work for prosperity, getting success becomes easy.
Hard Work Makes Us Strong:
I think hard work never goes in vain. Hard work makes us strong as a person. When you seriously hard work for prosperity, you automatically get prepared for the worst. There will always be odds in life. But, an honest journey for success is invaluable, because it helps us live a life as a strong and independent person. The process of achieving success is so hard that it makes you a strong person during the process. So I always appreciate honesty and hard work for being a better person in life.
Live life to the fullest, but never fear the struggles. Do you know why a person having exceptional knowledge never cares about the social obligations, politics and power. Because he/she can make it to any extent he/she wants.
Knowledge and hard work are the main two things that can differentiate you from the rest. So never hesitate to hard work for prosperity. Life is never about winning power and money. It’s about winning prestige, honour and an unforgettable position in the society. Hard work will bring you luck, fame, money, motivation, and almost anything you want. So, do not fear hard work.
A meme has been floating around for some time now about hard work – and how it is overrated. I’ve come across a number of “How I Work” articles by prominent entrepreneurs that talk about the merits of “sometimes” heading into the office, watching lots of television, and questioning the need for a 40-hour workweek.
Many of these articles profile people who have built multi-million dollar businesses – companies that required a 24/7 work ethic during the start-up phase. No doubt, in the early days, these same folks had rigorous schedules, spent long nights overcoming major technical challenges, and developed loyal communities – user by user – through ceaseless efforts.
So why all this talk about chilling out from those who must have worked tirelessly to get where they are? Something doesn’t add up. This trendy new approach to work seems absent of the ambition and relentless drive necessary to make ideas happen.
Certainly, it’s possible that these successful entrepreneurs have started to coast a bit – and with millions of customers, it is their prerogative to do so. I’m also aware that as we get older, start families, and settle down, it’s natural to think about how to work smarter. A 24/7 schedule isn’t sustainable forever. But I still can’t help but wonder if these entrepreneurs are sharing the right message?So why all this talk about chilling out from those who must have worked tirelessly to get where they are? Something doesn’t add up. The push towards tremendous achievements – the determination we see in visionaries ranging from Steve Jobs to your everyday start-up founder who quits her day job to pursue a dream – is what drives bold entrepreneurial pursuits. Such journeys, I have found, require incredible amounts of sheer energy, focus, and time.
Having recently concluded four years of interviews for a book on the topic of making ideas happen, I can say one thing for sure: Hard work is the single greatest competitive advantage. Ideas don’t happen because they are great. The genius is in the execution, aka the “99% perspiration” that has become this site’s namesake.
Perspiration implies sweat, self-discipline, and (yes) occasional exhaustion. I think this is what Malcolm Gladwell teaches us in his book Outliers when he proposes that a true mastery of anything requires 10,000 hours of doing it. There are no shortcuts to lasting success.Hard work is the single greatest competitive advantage. Hard work is always the baseline of great achievements. And I don’t think these successful entrepreneurs-turned-naysayers have defied the odds through casual effort.They have either chosen not to share this part of their past or have forgotten the driv
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